Trademark Registration in Jalandhar

Trademark registration services near you in Jalandhar. Can be built up by a person company or any legal entity. Foreigners or foreign entities can also purchase a trademark in Jalandhar. It is vital to purchase a trademark for the business identity.

Trademark is the strongest part of the business. If you have a business in Jalandhar then you must register a trademark to protect your brand name and logo. Trademarks build trust in people about your products and products and services.

What is Trademark Registration in Jalandhar

Trademark signifies symbols, shapes, sounds, patterns, logos, or names for your business entity. It helps to differentiate between Trademark products and third-party products.

Importance of Trademark Registration in Jalandhar

Trademark Registration in Jalandhar helps to increase the market value of your brand’s products and services. A registered Trademark can become a profitable business asset. It increases the brand reputation. It protects your brand with legal protection.

Benefits of Trademark Registration in Jalandhar

  • Attract human resources: Trademark registration puts a positive picture of a firm. It helps to attract people towards your products and services.

  • Exclusive rights: The Trademark owner has the legal rights to control its trademark. You can protect your trademark from being copied by a third party and can take action against it. You can even sell your Trademark to any organization or any company.

  • Build trust and loyalty: If you have a registered trademark then people can easily trust that your products are of high quality.

Documents required for Trademark Registration in Jalandhar

  • Pan card
  • Aadhaar card
  • Signed form 48
  • Udyog Aadhaar registration certificate
  • Incorporation certificate
  • Partnership deed or incorporation deed
  • Passport
  • Power of Attorney

Process for filing the Trademark Registration in Jalandhar

  1. Trademark search- Firstly, you have to decide which trademark you need to choose. Search for a trademark that best matches your business.
  2. Trademark Class- Select the trademark class as per your work.
  3. Apply- After the search is complete, fill out the application form offline or online for trademark registration.
  4. Application examination- After the trademark application is processed trademark officer will review the application to check if it meets all requirements.
  5. Publication- When the application is examined the application is processed next to the trademark journal.
  6. Objection- In case of objection the application will be dismissed and the officer may ask you questions that you need to answer within 30 days.
  7. Certificate issue- Once the application meets all requirements the certificate will be issued to you.

Trademark Registration Consultant in Jalandhar, Punjab

A trademark registration consulting service in Jalandhar To increase the market value and reputation of a brand you must register a trademark. You can register a Trademark with our company A Star Legal Associates and can also our expert team will guide you with the best services. 

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